Thank you for purchasing our Birth Doula Training & Certification program. We are delighted that you have chosen Lifespan Doulas for your professional training needs. Please read the information on this page regarding how to access all training components. And let me know if you have any questions or concerns (email patty@lifespandoulas.com).

You cannot access this page from our website menu. You need the link, so you may want to bookmark it for future reference.

Access Self-Paced Online Training Modules

Within 24 hours of purchase, you should receive an invitation from Thinkific, our online learning platform, giving you access to the self-paced study modules. If you do not receive an invitation, please check your spam folder. If it's not there, then email patty@lifespandoulas.com for help.

You will see four programs in your student portal. We suggest you complete them in the following order:

  • Doula Fundamentals
  • Childbirth Education Basics
  • Birth Doula Support Skills
  • Breastfeeding Basics for Doulas

Access Your Directory Listing

You may claim your enhanced Birth Doula Directory listings whenever you are ready to start serving clients. It will be good for one year from the date of posting on the website. Fill out the form whenever you are ready.

Submit Directory Listing Now.

Birth Doula Certification

Access the Certification Exam

When you have completed your training requirements, email patty@lifespandoulas.com to request access to the exam. Within 24 hours, the exam will be accessible in your Thinkific student portal. Exam questions are in a multiple choice and True/False format. The exam is not timed, meaning you can start and stop as you please. It is open book, meaning you can consult course materials if you need to look something up. And, finally, you can take it as many times as you need to achieve a passing grade of 85%.

Certification Reading Requirements

In case you want to get started with the reading requirements for certification, we are listing them here. There is no need to buy the books new. Many can be found in your local library or through inter-library loan. You can also search online for used books for the best prices.

  • The Birth Partner, 5th Edition, by Penny Simkin
  • Breastfeeding Made Simple, by Mohrbacher and Kendall-Tackett
  • Natural Hospital Birth, 2nd Edition, by Cynthia Gabriel
  • The Doula Business Guide, 3rd Edition, by Patty Brennan

Download the Certification Instructions

The packet contains instructions and forms for completing and submitting your application to be certified through Lifespan Doulas.

Download the Birth Doula Certification Instructions (PDF).