Join the Michigan Doula Coalition—February 2020 Newsletter

doula business guide online training

Focus on pregnancy loss; launch a doula business in 2020; earn your breastfeeding support credentials; Meet the Doulas; Medicaid for doulas? Join the Michigan Doula Coalition to stay current on health policy related to doulas. There is advocacy for Medicaid to cover birth doulas in MI. 

February Newsletter for
Birth & Postpartum Doulas
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BIRTH & POSTPARTUM DOULASEmpowered Mothers, Healthy Babies, Strong Families
Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss and more …
Amy Wright GlennFrom Amy Wright Glenn, founder of the Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath and Death, and author of a book by the same title, has some great blog posts that I think you might appreciate. Here’s a selection:Holding Space for Pregnancy LossPoems that honor the postpartum body following lossGiving birth to life and death Doula for the dying: Connecting birth and deathWhen the baby dies: Advice for birth doulas who companion the bereavedOn gratitude and grief: Mother donates 92 gallons of breast milk following pregnancy lossIs 2020 your year to become a doula?
Let’s get this dream off your back burner! Our Doula Business Builder Deluxe Training Package offers great value to anyone desiring a career as a birth and postpartum doula. It includes: DONA International Birth Doula Workshop (3-day training), DONA International Postpartum Doula Workshop (4-day training), Doula Business Development Workshop (self-paced online course), my books, The Doula Business Guide and The Doula Business Guide Workbook, 3rd editions (2019), two enhanced Directory Listings to jump start your new doula business (when you are ready). Your choice of 2020 training dates. All of this for the incredibly affordable price of $1147! Payment plans available.
squatting with rebozoDo you have questions about becoming a Doula?
We have answers! Join us February 3 (Monday, 7:30-8:30pm EST) for a free interactive webinar on the Top 5 Questions about Becoming a Doula. Can’t make it? Recordings of recent webinars are available online. Plus check out our new Frequently Asked Questions page. Join us! Pre-register for the webinar now to gain access.Take your breastfeeding support to the next level.
Earn your Clinical and Communication Lactation Specialist (CCLS) Certificate. Barbara Robertson’s 90-hour spring training is still available at the early bird price of $1000 (a $500 savings) through 2/9. This class is offered in two parts and is a hybrid of in-person and online learning that is getting rave reviews. Can be used towards completing IBCLC requirements. Free informational webinar offered on February 4 (Tuesday @7pm). Learn more.
breastfeeding center of ann arborMaternal Infant Health & Equity Collaborative (Michigan Department of HHS)
The next MIHEC meeting is February 13, from 12-2pm in Flint. This is an opportunity to speak with state level contacts about how to integrate doulas into public health. If you can’t come in person, there is information that enables off-site participation. Registration is required.

In addition, please join the Michigan Doula Coalition to stay up to date on state level health policy concerning the doula profession. This is happening! There is advocacy for Medicaid reimbursement for birth doula services in Michigan. It is important that your voice be heard. MDC is will be sending out their first newsletter soon. Sign up here. Meanwhile, the next coalition meeting will take place February 23 from 1-4pm at Gladwin Center (4105 W Liberty Rd, Ann Arbor, MI). Special guest Elon Geffrard will be facilitating a discussion on equity.”Meet the Doulas” ~ A  chance to connect with potential clients
Meet the Doulas Livingston CountyFebruary 12 (6:30-8:30pm) in Brighton. Doulas serving Livingston County residents are invited to gather and speak with expecting couples/families. There is a limit of four doula businesses for this event and you will be asked contribute to the raffle gift basket, food/beverage, and/or a time commitment to help setup/cleanup. If you want to participate, please email accepted ideas about “learning styles.”
Are you involved with teaching adults? Many of us have embraced the idea of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. Here’s an interesting article on The Problem with Learning Styles that may have implications not just for your teaching methods, but also when you find yourself in the role of student. Researchers have found that students are more successful when they:Space out their study session over time,Experience the material in multiple modalities,Test themselves on the material as part of their study practices, andElaborate on material to make meaningful connectionslearning styles

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Patty Brennan

Patty is the owner and visionary force behind Lifespan Doulas. For 40+ years, she has been a doula, midwife, educator, author, nonprofit executive, and entrepreneur. Patty has personally trained over 3,000 people to become doulas. She is the author of The Doula Business Guide: How to Succeed as a Birth, Postpartum or End-of-Life Doula, 4th Edition, and accompanying Workbook.